Friday, April 13, 2007


Well we made it to Vienna!
We found the right train to the right station and a short walk to the right hotel! Pretty good when we dont understand the language. To date everything seems to go like that. Must be some powerful prayer happenning on our behalf around the world. Soooo grateful! We also seem to find our way by accident most of the time.
Just had the best pizza ever! It was in an Italian restaraunt, cooked by an Arab in downtown Vienna. Probably helps that its 3pm and we have had nothing but coffee all day!
Just going to look around today then do some sightseeing tomorrow - and of course see the dancing white horses!

1 comment:

Angela Oliver said...

wow! A dream vacation!!!!
what a thrill!
i was so essited to see the mini from the movie I just saw

and soon you will be on land that is connected to ours...
so so close