Saturday, April 07, 2007


Well after a 12 hour flight we touched down at Heathrow airport at around 6.45 Sat evening. We were pretty weary but managed to catch the underground into Earls Court where we are staying at a backpackers hostel for two nights. The weather here is cool but pleasant, quite a relief from the humidity of Thailand.
The area around the hostel is sooo English. I mean it looks just like the scenes in Knotting Hill. There are little bookshops and a pub on every corner. The Hostel is only a short walk from the station, although after such a long flight and carrying backpack laden with Bangkok shopping, it did seem further! The walk back up the street to grab some tea from Subway was much shorter!
We keep meeting such interesting people on out travels. The man that we had breakfast with each morning in Bangkok is trying to raise funds and get government approval to build hospitals and orphanages for aids orphans. A girl we met on the plane has just spent 8 months volunteering for an aid agency for street kids in Bangkok.
We are now going to sleep after being awake for around 21 hours!


Ross O said...

Your doing well finding time to post anything, don't let it eat up your sightseeing time. The 3 Olivers left in Aus, got together in Swan Hill for Easter, 3 out of 7 isn't bad, got asked some funny questions about your tour, like are you coming home?, I said I didn't know.

Carlene said...

Oh no! I need to com home for a rest! It was a bit strange being in both Bangkok and London for Easter. We did however catch a revival rally in Piccadilly square yesterday with a Pentecostal preacher preaching up a storm.
Today we hire a car and drive to Bath. Planning a rest day after that as we are both a bit weary and jet lagged.

WayneH said...

Well it sound like you sure pack more into your days than I do? Great to hear that everything is going OK and you are seeing so many cool things. Ross forgot to mention that I took them all to the tractor pull so as to take their minds off missing you guys?
I will be in the USA (Chicago) over the next three weeks so let me know when you hit New York?