Monday, January 01, 2007


After very little moisture from the air (since it snowed mid November) we finally had a downpour New Years Day. So much so that there were reports of flooded homes in Ballarat.

Isn't it pretty!

Oh ... and almost forgot a sighting of Santa last week. Making his trip around Australia in the good old Holden ute! Of course boomers are better in this country than Rudolf - too hot for him here.


Oh Joy said...

Carlene that is gorgoues! You must be so pleased about the rain! Did you really manage to keep all those plants alive through a drought with your washing machine???? Pretty amazing!

Mark said...

along with the carpet in the spare room hey Mum? Lucky you kept the water up to that.

Carlene said...

Although I was implicated in the first event, I was not even around when the second took place I'll have you know!

Oh Joy said...

Well I think you should be commended on a job well done. I would have declared defeat and not even tried. That little lemon tree owes you.

Angela Oliver said...

Wow that looks like some flood!!!

I hope the rain continues for all of you there.

Glad you guys were able to still make it out to go water skiing.

Looks like fun!