Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Joining the Mac World

Well Leigh and Mark have convinced us to come on over to the Apple side of the tracks!
What helped was that both our PC's were floundering and would cost to get upgraded. We had been using the laptop for everything instead of just the photo and video editing it was purchased for.
So..... after a nervous couple of days wait we had the winning bid on a little blue Mac that we will use for internet access. That is when I work out how to configure it.

Isn't it cute!


Mark said...

About time that you listened to the voices of reason. Good work!!!

yemum said...

Down With Mac's!!!!!!

Leigh Oliver said...

Congratulations!!! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with your new toy. And because Dean doesn't like them you won't have to worry about him messing it up like he did with the PC. Not that it takes much effort to mess up a PC.

Oh Joy said...

Welcome to our WORLD! I am so glad you live here with us now. Obviously Dean is going to have to convert or just relinquish his rights to all inheritance. Obviously.

Leigh Oliver said...

I'm OK with him still inheriting the old PC's. we don't want to leave him with nothing now do we?