Saturday, June 03, 2006

Touch Football (Rugby)

What would make a 17 year old girl take up touch football and spend time training in a rough and strenuous sport?????


No, I don't think it has anything to do with the boys playing Touch!

Well maybe just a little......

After a number of years playing soccer/football at a high level, Sarah took up touch football to keep fit during Summer and to have fun with some of her church youth group friends. She recently tried out for the state Under 18 girls tems and has just returned from a very succesful tournament in New South Wales. After a 14 hour bus trip they played over two days, ending in the semi finals. Another 14 hour trip overnight meant she only had time for a quick shower before heading to school and Year 12 finals. Fortunately her school took pity and sent her home to bed, allowing her to complete assessment tasks the next day.

1 comment:

Leigh Oliver said...

I can understand living on minimal sleep for soccer, but rugby?