Sunday, December 31, 2006


And the livin' is easy!

On Saturday we met up with Ross and his truck on his way through Swan Hill and all went to Lake Charm for the first ski for the season. It was a bit stormy and the water was pretty rough.
At least the tube was a hit with Justin being initiated into the wilder side of Oliver adventure! Ross did make Mark ease up a bit though - Sarah wouldn't be happy if we broke him!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Gingerbread Tree

I saw this idea at a little bakery I visit on my trips away for work. I was going to buy one but thought I would have a go at making my own. Pretty good if I do say so!
Not sure if the family remember my attempts at a gingerbread house when they were little?!? !
No... perhaps better forgotten really.....
Hopefully this will make the trip up to Bendigo tomorrow for Christmas dinner.
Merry Christmas everyone! And a blessed and safe New Year!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

OOPS WE DID IT AGAIN! or Is the Washer good or evil!

Yep! here we go again. A few short days after spouting the virtues of the washing machine, the evil side again rears its ugly head and the carpets get flooded once again. At least this time I was not at all implicated in the proceedings. Next on the shopping must haves this Christmas is a flood proof wash basin!
And this is one big dehumidifier! We are all drying out.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

NEWS FLASH: Washing Machine Saves Lemon Tree!

Just three weeks after starting to use the grey water from the washing machine and the poor little lemon tree has sprung back to life! There are even flowers making a tentative effort to show the promise of a future. So far we are managing to keep everything going with buckets in the shower and recycling the water but if we get some prolonged hot weather it may get more difficult.

Friday, December 08, 2006

The Bush Is Burning

Yesterday the smoke billowed like an ethreal mountain range above the burning national parks. Burning on both sides of the Great Dividing Range which seperates eastern Victoria. Overnight the fires that had started from masses of lightning strikes last weekend, joined forces to create one of the longest fire front ever seen in our little State.
Today the wind and dry heat has fanned a fury that may leave the bushland reserves and reach out to menace the many small communities and regional cities in Gippsland.

The wind has now dispersed the smokey haze across the countryside and as I look out from my backyard it looks like the fires are much closer than 300 kilometres away.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Joining the Mac World

Well Leigh and Mark have convinced us to come on over to the Apple side of the tracks!
What helped was that both our PC's were floundering and would cost to get upgraded. We had been using the laptop for everything instead of just the photo and video editing it was purchased for.
So..... after a nervous couple of days wait we had the winning bid on a little blue Mac that we will use for internet access. That is when I work out how to configure it.

Isn't it cute!